Washington State Guard Hosts ACES Course
Washington State Guard hosted an ACES Basic Certification course at Camp Murray July 26-27, 2014. The course could not have happened without the organization and support of Monte Simpson K2MLS, who attended and represented the Washington State Guard, Washington State Patrol and is the ARRL Western Washington Section Manager. Actual course attendance dropped shortly before the course with a number of members responding to wildfires in Eastern Washington. Attendees represented agencies that included Washington State Guard, Washington State Patrol and came from as far as the National Weather Service Pendleton, OR. The course was taught by Scott Honaker N7SS, George Boswell K7YHB, Gregg Allyn W7BXF and Grant Hopper KB7WSD and all 19 attendees completed the program. Lead instructor, Scott Honaker was honored by receiving a Washington State Guard commander's coin presented by Colonel Terry LaRue.